Showing posts with label Social Issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Issues. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Agamaku, agamamu.

Bukanlah hal yang indah untuk bersembunyi dibalik kata agama.  Semua manusia sama. Sama-sama penuh dosa, sama-sama nista (tak terkecuali para pemuka agama). 

Biarlah setiap orang memuja dan memuji anak Allah ataupun ketuhanan YME masing-masing dengan tenang… (Bagaimana kalau kita tergila-gila mengidolakan manusia? Apakah saat terbutakan atas rupa keindahan semu duniawi menjadikan diri kita sosok pribadi yang lebih baik daripada mereka yang memuja muji Illahinya?). 

Pun para Atheists  tetaplah pribadi-pribadi yang punya kepercayaan (walaupun bukan kepada Tuhan), namun yang terpenting mereka punya prinsip atas realitas kehidupan dan meyakini kebaikan serta hukum alam -- (masih lebih baik daripada beragama namun pikiran, perkataan dan perbuatannya serba kotor atau licik penuh tipu daya).
Agama hanyalah sebuah kata bernilai yang bermakna -- Iman dan ketulusan hatilah jawaban atas segalanya.

 *  *  *

Friday, September 30, 2011


Music: Sir Elton John
Lyrics: Bernie Taupin

I believe in love, it's all we got
Love has no boundaries, costs nothing to touch
War makes money, cancer sleeps
Curled up in my father and that means something to me
Churches and dictators, politics and papers
Everything crumbles sooner or later
But love, I believe in love

I believe in love, it's all we got
Love has no boundaries, no borders to cross
Love is simple, hate breeds
Those who think difference is the child of disease
Father and son make love and guns
Families together kill someone
Without love, I believe in love

Without love I wouldn't believe
In anything that lives and breathes
Without love I'd have no anger
I wouldn't believe in the right to stand here
Without love I wouldn't believe
I couldn't believe in you
And I wouldn't believe in me
Without love

I believe in love
I believe in love
I believe in love

#BrilliantIdeas #SirEltonJohn #BrilliantMan

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Taburan Sensasi Seks di Indonesia

Berikut ini adalah video yang saya upload di Youtube 9 (sembilan) bulan yang lalu. Ini adalah cuplikan tayangan dari TransTV; saya beri judul "Ngintipin Cewe Lewat Kamera" dan sudah dilihat oleh 213.362 pemirsa. 

Apa yang ada di benak kamu pada saat membaca judulnya? pastilah beranggapan ini adalah cuplikan video 'saat ngintipin seorang cewe' dan berkonotasi seks (apakah itu rekaman cewe sedang mandi, buang air, ganti pakaian atau sejenisnya). Salah.

Sebelumnya video ini berjudul "Penyimpangan - Hati2 perempuan bisa diintip kamera tersembunyi" dan saya tujukan untuk para perempuan Indonesia agar berhati-hati apabila menggunakan fasilitas umum. Dengan judul yang 'biasa banget' walaupun berbau informatif, video ini ternyata hanya dilihat oleh belasan pemirsa dalam jangka waktu 2 (dua) bulan - wajar saja. Namun setelah saya ganti judulnya dengan yang lebih menjebak dan berbungkus aroma obyek seksualitas, terbukti video ini bisa dengan mudahnya mengundang pemirsa untuk melihat, menghasilkan  komentar-komentar vulgar dibawah video tersebut yang menjadi ajang/ wadah pembisnis esek-esek berpromosi. 

Sebenarnya video ini hanyalah alat penelitian saya dalam mempelajari perilaku masyarakat Indonesia dan sekitarnya alias Melayu (khususnya kaum adam), sekaligus mengimplementasikan ilmu publikasi ala jurnalisme-jurnalisme_an masa kini atas obyek yang paling mudah dijual, yaitu Perempuan yang setiap hari bisa kita lihat headlines kacangannya di jejaring sosial FaceBook, Yahoo News Indonesia, mailing list postings, koran-koran konsumen kelas bawah, dsb. Maka dari itu judul video tadi saya ganti dengan judul yang lebih gatel.

Apakah semua potret ini akan terus berlanjut dimasa yang akan datang?

Media, terutama yang berpromosi di iklan jejaring sosial semestinya berlaku sebagai salah satu alat kontrol sosial, apakakah mempunyai rasa tanggung jawab moral atas pemberitaan-pemberitaannya? apakah benar mayoritas laki-laki Indonesia tidak mampu mengontrol pikiran+libido akan kebutuhan seks pribadinya? ataukah salahnya sebagian perempuan karena rela dijadikan obyek seks dan tidak tau bagaimana cara menjaga citra dan harga diri? atau karena sudah terlalu banyak keluarga miskin yang butuh uang untuk makan dan orang tua kaya yang gila harta sehingga merelakan anaknya dijadikan obyek seks demi kehidupan sosialite? ataukah salah orang tua yang terkadang masih menganggap tabu apabila membicarakan subyek ini dengan seorang anak yang sedang akil balik (mungkin juga karena takut salah bicara saat menjelaskannya), atau salah pemerintahkah karena tidak memasukkan kurikulum pelajaran seks di sekolah sejak dini (dianggap tidak penting)? atau mungkin salahnya para penjual DVD porno? atau salahnya para pemuka agama? ataukah masyarakat Indonesia lebih perduli sensasi daripada informasi?..atau kapasitas otak mayarakat Indonesia hanya sanggup menerima hal-hal yang ringan, mudah, murah, bagus, ganteng, semok, lucu dan manis?..
*  *  *
Saya jadi teringat saat masih sekolah menengah. Suatu pagi ada teman saya saat masuk kelas lengan bajunya basah, sambil masuk kelas dia bilang "..sialan nih baju gue dikencingin cowok pas di bus tadi", ternyata ada seorang laki-laki yang memanfaatkan moment bis penuh dengan menggesek-gesekan alat kelaminnya ke lengan teman saya sampai laki-laki tersebut mencapai ejakulasi (tempat umum, man). Saat itu kami perempuan-perempuan akil balik sama sekali belum mengerti tentang pelecehan seksual -- seks aja belum tau (siapa yang mau ngejelasin saat itu?). Tragis!.
*  *  *
Di era sekarang ini laki-laki atau anak-anak muda Indonesia begitu memuja Miyabi, pemain film porno asal Jepang; sementara disisi lain, sisi sejarah bangsa Indonesia saat diduduki oleh Jepang, bukan hanya negara kita tercinta saja yang dijajah namun juga jiwa dan raga para perempuan Indonesia turut dirampas kemerdekaannya serta diperlakukan seperti binatang oleh pihak Jepang (menjadi budak seks) selama bertahun-tahun. (*baca: wanita-indonesia-antara-kegelapan-dan-masa-depannya).

Silahkan baca juga: 
Lumrahkan Perkosaan Perang di Indonesia?
Jepang Tolak Monumen Korban Perkosaan PD II

Mari buka mata, buka hati, buka pikiran kita dan menjaga diri... Bayangkan apabila perempuan-perempuan korban tersebut salah satunya adalah anggota keluarga kita, masihkah kita tertawa-tawa dan tergiur dengan sensasi seks yang bertaburan disekeliling kita?.
Perempuan-perempuan korban pelecehan seksual oleh Jepang
 *  *  *
 #Seks #Perempuan #Indonesia #Media #KontrolSosial #Moral #Penyimpangan #HumanRights #KorbanPerkosaan

Friday, August 12, 2011

Gerakan 1 Hari Tanpa HP di Indonesia

*Pertanyaan Pertama; 
Berapakah jumlah orang di Indonesia dalam 1 hari yang pernah kecewa karena:
  • SMS ga delivered
  • Blackberry Messenger nge-hang
  • Ga bisa update status penting / ga penting?
  • Seharian HP ga ada sinyal?
  • Dst, dst...
Apakah dari sekian kekecewaan itu ada solusi yang memuaskan 100%??. 

Menurut survey dari orang2 disekeliling gue, jawabannya adalah TIDAK, entah itu karena kita lupa atau justru malah ogah buat mencari tau penyebabnya atau karena sudah punya gambaran "bakal mentah kalo mo komplain/ nelpon nanya2 ke Customer Service, ngabisin pulsa pula..".

Seperti hal nya gerakan 1 hari tanpa kendaraan bermotor ; Alangkah baiknya apabila ada gerakan 1 hari tanpa Handphone (HP) di Indonesia sebagai wadah "rekoleksi" providers sekaligus upaya bargain para customer atas ketidaknyamanan moment pelayanan penyedia-penyedia layanan telephone seluler di Indonesia (providers) selama ini. 

Bisa dibayangkan berapa nominal kerugian providers "hanya" dalam hitungan 1 hari x berjuta-juta manusia Indonesia apabila hal itu sampai terjadi??. Banyak, man! (lebih dari cukup buat memperbaiki gizi anak-anak Indonesia yang kekurangan asupan gizi, nutrisi  atau membantu perekonomian keluarga-keluarga yang kurang beruntung, maupun pendidikan anak-anak putus sekolah. Apabila kontiniti setiap bulannya ada "gerakan keberuntungan kaum yang berkekurangan diatas kerugian kaum kapitalis", Insya Allah dalam jangka waktu 5-10 tahun sedikit-sedikit akan mampu mengikis kemiskinan dan kebodohan di Indonesia ; lebih banyak lagi yang "terpaksa" belajar memaknai rasa saling berbagi - khususnya pemerintah - demi keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyak Indonesia (sila ke 5 Pancasila)... Ujung-ujungnya ga ada yang merasa lebih kuat karena kaya atau minder karena miskin, setiap individu berani beropini tanpa takut bakal diintimidasi - mengerti hak, bertanggung jawab atas kewajiban masing-masing dan andaikan ga ada lagi yang berfikir untuk memperkaya diri sendiri secara ga adil atau sadar diri untuk berhenti korupsi). Andai...*ngelantur.

*Pertanyaan Kedua; 
Apakah kita sebagai customers sanggup menjalankannya, berpuasa atau rekoleksi menahan nafsu dunia dalam menggunakan HP??. Satu hari ajaaaaa...tenang tanpa HP, wong manusia kerja aja ada liburnya - mosok hape ga ada?.

Atau justru enggan karena tidak terbayangkan hidup tanpa HP tercinta atau gengsi karena haree geenee ga pake bebe / hape (beli kreditan toh juga ga ada yang tau)? atau karena kita yang terlalu manja setelah sekian lama diperbudak salah satu benda sekunder ini?? (SELAMAT YA!! karena kelemahan-kelemahan manusia Indonesia inilah yang dijadikan senjata oleh para kapitalis untuk strategi mengeruk duit para homo hedonism consumer Indonesian-is). *tepuk tangan. 

*Pertanyaan Ketiga; 
Diluar batere habis, pernah ga sih loe sengaja matiin hape total 1 hari?

*Pertanyaan Keempat;
Apakah kita akan mati apabila hidup tanpa HP??. Buat gue tentu aja jawabannya "kagak lah...gue udah ngerasain 3 minggu lebih ga pake hape bae-bae aja...mang nyawa gue disimpen di hape?!".  Yeah right.

Yuk bareng-bareng bikin 1 hari tenang tanpa HP.

#handphone #technology # social #consumer #provider #Indonesia #gerakan #HidupTanpaHP

Friday, June 17, 2011

Ferret = animal (Animal = wild creature)

If we talking about animals, of course it's all about wild - about instinct. Owners of any kind of pets should know the risks before decide to take care animal as pet. 

Still couldn't believe for what happened with the children whose got bitten by Ferret, as parents we supposed to be wise and never leave our kids alone with animals ever (even with fishes in the aquarium).  

It is ALWAYS be our fault  + our stupidity when  it comes to animals because the animals are belong into the wilderness - not inside the house, that's the fact. -N.G-

First Posted: 06/16/11 02:53 PM ET Updated: 06/16/11 02:53 PM ET 
The parents of a 4-month-old Missouri boy who lost seven fingers during a pet ferret attack have been charged with first-degree child endangerment for the January incident.

Ryan Waldo, 33, and his wife, Carrie Waldo, 25, told investigators in Grain Valley that they awoke hearing the screams of their child, who was left with just his thumbs and a pinky following the attack.

Ryan claimed he picked up the pet ferret -- which was a Christmas present to his older children -- and hurled it against the dishwasher, killing it. The couple also said the ferret had never bitten anyone before.

But prosecutors claim they have evidence that the ferret had already bitten the infant twice, CBS3 reports.
Before the incident, the couple's landlord had reportedly helped them get in touch with a ferret rescue group due to animal's tendency to bite. 

However the family decided to keep the ferret in the home, according to a text message sent from the boy's mother to the ferret rescue group that was obtained by the station.

"Kids voting no right now but it probably won't be long before he nips baby again and they get over it," Carrie allegedly wrote. "Not sure if we wanna get rid of him yet. The kids r cryin bout it so we'll let u know."

Based on cellphone records, investigators believe the parents might have left the kids home alone while the attack occurred.

The couple surrendered on the felony charge on Wednesday, The Kansas City Star reports. They were released on bond, but ordered to stay away from their children, who are now in a grandparent's custody.

FACTS ABOUT FERRET (info taken from many sources)

Bob Church said in : What evidence is there that ferrets are carnivores? I have read authoritative accounts indicating ferrets should be fed "sops" (milk and bread) or cooked cereals, and they survived. But it is not an optimum diet, nor does it promise the healthiest and best possible life for the animal. Additionally, starving animals will consume just about anything to survive. Under these circumstances, many people would claim the ferret was an omnivore, but that would be incorrect. Ferrets are strict carnivores; that is, they are biologically adapted to eat [only] meat. 

Ferret's skull is long and flat for several reasons. First, it makes for a powerful biting force, proportionately one of the strongest in mammals, which is very useful in killing animals near your size having teeth that can bite through a pencil (hey, imagine a giant beaver snapping at your nose, with incisors as thick as your middle finger).

Arm bones: The ferret clavicle is a tiny little ossification in the muscle where the clavicle should be, and is not always found, but the scapula, humerus, radis, and ulna are about the same as ours. Their elbow has an extension on the end of it to make their arms very strong for digging. The wrist bones (carpals), the hand bones (metacarpals), and the finger bones (phalanges) are almost the same, except for the 3rd phalanx which has a claw-like process on the end to support the nail. As far as I know, all members of the mustelid family have all five digits front and back. Ferrets have more carpal-metacarpal sesamoids than we usually do, which are tiny bones within the tendons where they pass over joints. Most of us have 1 or 2 of them at our thumbs, but ferrets generally have 2 for every digit. Oh, the thumb has 2 phalanges and the fingers have 3 for both humans and ferrets. The thumb in the ferret is like a finger. Just imagine what a ferret could do with a human thumb.

From : Why are ferrets illegal in California?

In 1933, importation and possession of domestic ferrets, as well as wild animals, was restricted in California. The California Department of Fish and Game, on March 25th 1994, expressed its views regarding the ferrets as:
1. Ferrets may bite or scratch children, as well as adults.
2. Ferrets also carry rabies, and there is no proper vaccine against the rabies which attacks it.
3. Ferrets can also threaten native wildlife. 
Ferrets are considered to be illegal as they may breed in the wild, and pose a threat to agriculture and native species. Ferrets are also believed to be roaming and killing more chicken than that are necessary for its consumption. It is also believed that ferrets are a threat to birds, amphibians and reptiles. Wildlife that are considered to be at risk of extinction due to ferrets are burrowing owls, California ground squirrels and mountain beavers.

Kenneth W. Umbach, Ph.D. for  May 30, 1997 : Ferrets are permitted as pets in all states of the continental U.S. except California, and some observers estimate that there are from 100,000 to 500,000 domestic ferrets kept as pets in California despite the prohibition. A Michigan official noted that Michigan went from zero ferrets (officially, as they were prohibited) to 200,000 overnight when they were legalized a few years ago, and “they did not all just come in over the state line that day.”

Rabies vaccination should be required for domestic ferrets, just as it is for domestic cats and dogs. Ferrets sold at or after 12 weeks of age should be vaccinated before sale. For those sold at the typical 6 to 7 weeks, it is vital that owners be advised of the requirement to have the animals vaccinated at 12 weeks.


1998 February 22 : Police say ferret bit baby at least 50 times; parents charged  
By AP (Cleveland) via Globe News. 
A 5-week-old girl was in stable condition after being bitten at least 50 times by a pet ferret, and police charged her parents with felony child endangering. 

Samantha M. Grabski was bitten on the face and chest while she lay between her parents, who had fallen asleep after drinking beer late Wednesday, police said. She required about 100 stitches and was in stable condition Sunday at MetroHealth Medical Center.Her mother, Olga Torres, told officers she did not know the baby had been attacked until she woke up Thursday morning. 

Torres, 21, and John B. Grabski, 22, were in custody Sunday pending a bail hearing scheduled for Monday.
Police Sgt. Mark Hastings said prosecutors filed felony charges against Grabski and Torres because the injuries were related to their use of alcohol. 

Four other children, all under age 7, were placed with relatives, Hastings said. The ferret was taken to the city kennel for rabies tests.© Copyright 1998 Globe Newspaper Company

2000 June 28 : Pet ferrets inflicted 10-day-old girl more than 100 scratches  
By Meg Jones Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 
A 10-day-old girl lying in her crib was attacked by two pet ferrets that may have been attracted by milk on the child's breath, Eau Claire police said Wednesday.
The ferrets inflicted more than 100 scratches, gashes and bite marks on the baby's face before the family dog jumped in to save the infant, who is expected to recover completely, police said. Please read for more in

Judy Vowell, shelter director for Ferret Fanciers of Greater Milwaukee said : "It's not an attack animal. It reacts out of instinct but not a destructive instinct," Vowell said. "It was probably after the milk and unknown scents. This was probably a new scent for the ferret, as well - a new baby in the house."

Just remind : No matter how cute and how hard you train your animal, they still and always stayed as animals ;-)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sovereignty for Iraq & World Peace Plan Proposal

 #WorldPeace #Tolerance #Iraq #SaudiArabia #Kuwait #Congo #SouthKorea #NorthKorea #Cyprus #Lebanon #UN #ProposalPlan #SaddamHussein #Bush #US Economy

(taken from
We are making it possible for the governments of the world to stop wasting money on war, and using the money instead to make their own country prosper. 

Step by step, we are introducing a plan to enable the war in Iraq to end, one that will carry Iraq all the way forward to its sovereignty. Because the war did not stand on the intent of the U.N. Charter to prevent invasions and occupations, the United States is responsible for rebuilding Iraq, but with the present global economic crisis, stabilizing the region and then rebuilding Iraq would bankrupt the United States. Our plan enables everyone to function on a higher level, including the surrounding nations in the Middle East and the Coalition countries.

The people who have been killed, injured and traumatized do not have to have suffered in vain. Out of the crisis have been planted the seeds for world peace, and they are growing.

Your voice is important to the process. Please be sure to read our proposal to Iraq, and answer our survey. (This proposal is the original offered to Saddam Hussein, through the Iraqi embassy in Washington, DC, prior to the war, but there was no time to stop the conflict. An amended version was re-submitted after the death of Saddam Hussein. It was much more detailed, and was sent to all the ambassadors in Washington, DC. It calls for mediation between the highest ranking lieutenant of the Baath Party under Saddam Hussein and President George W. Bush to end the conflict. The mediation sets the stage for the creation of a legitimate international court system to ends disputes between nations.

Here is the link of The World Peace Plan Proposal

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear

Fukushima I and II Nuclear Accidents Overview Map showing evacuation and other zone progression and selected radiation levels.
Click image for larger view. Source :
*  *  *
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
Satellite image on 16 March of the four damaged reactor buildings
Satellite image on 16 March of the four damaged reactor buildings
Date 11 March 2011 (2011-03-11)–ongoing
Time 14:46 JST (05:46 UTC)
Location ÅŒkuma, Fukushima, Japan
Coordinates 37°25′17″N 141°1′57″E / 37.42139°N 141.0325°E / 37.42139; 141.0325
Outcome INES Level 7 (ratings by Japanese authorities as of 11 April)[1][2]
Reported injuries 37 with physical injuries,[3]
2 workers taken to hospital for radiation exposure[4]
Reported death(s) 1 (heart attack)[5]
Source :

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Hackers Movement" (The Power Of Civilians?)

"Experience is a wonderful thing, it enables u to recognize a mistake when u make it again", that's an important message in sarcasm that Hackers actually delivered to Sony and also reminding the civilians in such alert - to open our eyes to be more careful when it comes to protect our own selves in many ways. 

Beside Alien, Ghost, Dark lords, The Bullying, The Poor, etc, there are also many nations in this Universe that people don't realized they're existence because they've been out of our sights. One of them is UNH (United Nation of Hackers).  What I want to share here is a simple info about hackers; as one of world's asset stands for the future (..before we get emotional - please look from many sides) and ask our self why? why hackers doing this - this - and this?.  
Back in 2001 i was part of UNH together with bunch of my friends in Jakarta, I was 25-years-old  as young naughty lady who fall 'in love' with the internet tech, at that time I just wanted to 'teaches' some people 'lessons' (included my Netherlander ex boy friend who happened to be an expert IT consultant from one of top IT company while his billionaire step mom's the owner of Europe big internet company), it's ironic.

In this world; hackers is like a rebellious kid within family, the special kid who needs attention from the parents because they're one of the kinds. They have superiority complex with lots of energy, they eager to learn more and more as becoming experts, they want to help community ; stand up for something ; having desire to change things ; make things better ; honest ; and they're determined to SHARES (that's why they've created enemies for them selves).
Hackers supposed to be positive, if hackers stayed in negative vibrations and caused very serious damaged then it's called the Crackers.

As a matter of fact hackers is already becoming as one of our social controller elements. 

So, I really expect from the hackers of 2011 and hope that they could 'leads' the government's miss managed and the capitalist to become the honestly humility humans.  Let's open our eyes-heart-mind and once again ask our selves "why?". 

What happened address to Sony wasn't just reminding but also proving that civilians are stronger than 'who aren't being called civilians' someway somehow

*Hope they're real hackers, not just a bunch of people who hired by any government in order to created cheap sensations. Peace out. -N.G-

 *  *  *

"Technological developments herald an era in which reason and compassion truly can cross national borders, transcend imaginary boundaries of religious and political orientation, and bridge generational gaps. This potentially powerful expansion of goodwill and information-sharing challenges current social and political structures and thus presents a likely target for powerful entities whose interests rely on the status quo. It may be only a matter of time before the information shared via social media is by default compromised and censored".

Greetings folks. We're LulzSec, and welcome to Sownage. Enclosed you will
find various collections of data stolen from internal Sony networks and websites, all of which we accessed easily and without the need for outside support or money. We recently broke into and compromised over 1,000,000 users' personal information, including passwords, email addresses, home addresses, dates of birth, and all Sony opt-in data associated with their accounts. Among other things, we also compromised all admin details of Sony Pictures (including passwords) along with 75,000 "music codes" and 3.5 million "music coupons". Due to a lack of resource on our part (The Lulz Boat needs additional funding!) we were unable to fully copy all of this information, however we have samples for you in our files to prove its authenticity. In theory we could have taken every last bit of information, but it would have taken several more weeks. Our goal here is not to come across as master hackers, hence what we're about to reveal: was owned by a very simple SQL injection, one of the most primitive and common vulnerabilities, as we should all know by now. From a single injection, we accessed EVERYTHING. Why do you put such faith in a company that allows itself to become open to these simple attacks? What's worse is that every bit of data we took wasn't encrypted. Sony stored over 1,000,000 passwords of its customers in plaintext, which means it's just a matter of taking it. This is disgraceful and insecure: they were asking for it. This is an embarrassment to Sony; the SQLi link is provided in our file contents, and we invite anyone with the balls to check for themselves that what we say is true. You may even want to plunder those 3.5 million coupons while you can. Included in our collection are databases from Sony BMG Belgium & Netherlands. These also contain varied assortments of Sony user and staffer information.
Follow our sexy asses on twitter to hear about our upcoming website. Ciao! ^_^
 Source :

Barbie, Legos, other toys linked to destruction of Indonesia's rainforests

By Rhett A. Butler,
June 07, 2011

#IllegalLogging #Barbie #Toys #RainForest #Environment

Packaging used for Barbie, Legos, and other toys linked to destruction of Indonesia's rain forests

Forest clearing in the Bukit Tigapuluh Forest Landscape in central Sumatra

Some of the world's largest and most prominent toy-makers are sourcing their packaging materials from companies linked to large-scale destruction of Indonesia's rainforests, alleges a new report from Greenpeace.

The report, How APP is Toying with Extinction [PDF], is based on forensic analysis of toy packaging from Mattel, which manufacturers Barbie and Hot Wheels toys; Disney, which makes a variety of toys linked to its movies; Hasbro, which produces GI Joe, Star Wars, and Sesame Street toys and various games like Monopoly and Scrabble; and Lego, which makes the iconic plastic building blocks. The analysis found traces of mixed-tropical hardwood (MTH) and acacia fiber which are principally sourced from Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), an umbrella paper products brand that sources from several companies that have been linked to rainforest destruction in Sumatra. Despite widespread criticism from green groups and defections of major customers, APP continues to source from rainforests that are home to critically-endangered Sumatran tigers and elephants. According to WWF-Indonesia, APP's subsidiaries control hundreds of thousands of hectares of rainforests in Riau and Jambi provinces in Sumatra. The concessions include extensive areas of carbon-dense peatlands, which when converted to plantations, release large amounts of carbon dioxide.

To publicize the report, Greenpeace activists, dressed in tuxedos to depict Barbie's boyfriend Ken, climbed Mattel's Los Angeles headquarters with a giant banner stating: "Barbie: It's Over. I Don't Date Girls That Are Into Deforestation."

Mattel expressed disappointment over the action.

"Over the past months we have been in communication with Greenpeace on a variety of paper-sourcing issues," Mattel said via a statement emailed to "We are surprised and disappointed that they have taken this inflammatory approach, considering the open channels of communications we’ve established. We will continue to assess our paper sourcing and packaging improvements as we move forward."

A truck loaded with logs drives on a road in the middle of a Eucalyptus plantation. © Greenpeace / Daniel Beltra

Smoke from man made forest fires in the RAPP concession — a subsidiary of APRIL, another large pulp and paper producer in Indonesia — in Giam Siak Kecil area to clear land for palm oil plantations. © Greenpeace / John Novis.

Neither Disney nor Hasbro immediately return's request for comment.

Greenpeace's action comes just weeks after activists from the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) targeted Disney over its paper-sourcing policies for children's books. RAN said forensic analysis showed Disney was buying from APP.

Greenpeace said it started with toys because the sector is "a highly visible example of consumer brands that use a lot of glossy packaging." It notes that other industries also buy from APP.

"Key sectors for packaging include food, drinks, pharmaceuticals, home and personal care products and electrical goods," states the report. "APP presents a brand risk to companies within these sectors, linking them through their paper and packaging supply chains to the destruction of Indonesia's rainforests."

A network of tracks in a huge deforested area among pristine forest. © Greenpeace / Daniel Beltra

Eucalyptus plantations east of Pekanbaru. © Greenpeace / Daniel Beltra

"Unlike some progressive companies such as Unilever or Nestlé, top players in the toy sector seem oblivious to the risk to their brands through links to deforestation."

According to Greenpeace, over half APP's paper and packaging is produced in China, where it has mills. APP uses virgin fiber for high-quality packaging materials that are typically used for toys. In 2009 imported wood made up two-thirds of the fiber needed by APP China for pulp production.

In recent years APP has also expanded operations in Canada. Its affiliate, Paper Excellence, which like APP is also controlled by the Sinar Mas group of companies, has bought up seven mills in the past year in Canada and Europe.

Through expansion overseas, APP and Sinar Mas may hope to escape sanctions levied on it by the U.S. Department of Commerce, according to one analyst, who requested anonymity. APP has recently stepped up an aggressive public relations campaign to counter criticism over its environmental practices. It has released a number of sustainably reports and regularly runs full-page advertisements in publications like The Economist and The New York Times touting its environmental record. It has also contributed money some conservation projects in Sumatra, including a tiger "conservation" initiative, the Indonesian government's effort to protect the Javan rhino, and two reserves: Giam Kecil-Bukit Batu Reserve and the Bukit Tigapuluh. But these initiatives have received a tepid response from scientists, conservationists, and environmentalists, who note that APP still intends to destroy far more forest than it claims to help protect.

Map of APP's concessions in Sumatra
Map of APP's concessions in the Kerumutan Peat Swamp Forest
The 1.3 million hectare Kerumutan Peat Swamp Forest.
Click image to view map.

Advised by public relations firms like Cohn & Wolfe and Clark & Weinstock, APP has also employed more questionable methods, including supporting groups like World Growth International and the Tea Party-affiliated Consumer Alliance for Global Prosperity which have launched public attacks on companies that have dropped its products (Staples, Office Max, Office Depot) and environmental organizations that have raised concerns about its environmental conduct. These groups are now working to undermine the Lacey Act, the law that prohibits the import of timber and paper products sourced via illegal logging.

While APP subsidiaries have acquired concessions from the Ministry of Forestry in Indonesia, Greenpeace alleges that APP has illegally cleared peatlands in Sumatra. Furthermore three APP affiliates — PT Wirakarya Sakti, PT Rimba Hutani Mas, and PT Tebo Multi Agro — were named by the state audit agency as delinquent in paying timber royalties or fines to the Jambi forestry service.

Devastated rainforest and peatlands in Riau, Sumatra. © Greenpeace / Oka Budhi

In its report Greenpeace calls on toy-makers to dissociate themselves with illegal logging and destruction of Indonesia's rainforests and peatlands by implementing strong sourcing policies that would exclude fiber produced by APP until it cleans up its operations. Greenpeace notes that Golden Agri Resources, the palm oil division of Sinar Mas, has already moved to eliminate deforestation from its supply chain, while APP "remains stuck in a deforestation-dependent economic growth model."

Greenpeace says Western companies can help support Indonesia's shift to a low-carbon development pathway — a goal set by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono — through their procurement policies.

"Corporate consumers can drive low-carbon development by implementing policies to clean up their production and supply chains," states the report. "This rewards responsible producers, by not unfairly subsidizing environmentally irresponsible companies."

Greenpeace says that with the right market signals, Sinar Mas could be transformed.

"The Sinar Mas Group – Indonesia’s leading player in both the pulp and palm oil sectors – could drive low-carbon development by establishing industry best practice standards." 

Source :

Friday, June 3, 2011

5 Things Credit Card Companies Don't Want You to Know

January 10, 2011
By: Beverly Blair Harzog

It's hard to believe, but sometimes credit card issuers don't have your best interests at heart. There are a few things, in particular, that would really help you save money on your credit cards. If you were aware of them, that is.

So here's a top five list of things you won't find out from your credit card company. Keep in mind that these "secrets" don't always work. Just think of them as new strategies for your credit card survival kit.

#1: You can negotiate your interest rate
You're never going to get a notice from your card issuer about an interest rate increase that's accompanied by: "We're raising your APR to 19.99 percent. Feel free to call and negotiate if you aren't happy with this new rate." But guess what? You have every right--and should, in fact--call and ask to have it lowered. If you've been late with payments or committed some other credit card faux pas, this might not work. But you won't know unless you make the call and state your case.

#2: You can ask for a different due date
Why consider this? Let's say your paycheck comes in the third week of the month, but your credit card bill is due the second week. To improve your cash flow, you can ask to move your due date to the third or fourth week of the month. You don't need stellar credit to make this call and ask for the change. But it's something not many consumers know they can do.

#3: You can ask for a higher credit limit
Proceed with caution. If you're planning to charge more merchandise if you get a higher limit, reconsider taking this step. But if your goal is to increase your credit score, then that's a good reason. Your utilization rate, which is the ratio of the amount of credit used to the total amount of credit that's available, will decrease if you get a higher credit limit on a card.

For instance, if you have a $200 balance on a card with a $500 limit, that's a 40 percent (200 ÷ 500) utilization ratio. If you get an increase to $1,000, your ratio goes down to 20 percent (200 ÷ 1,000). Lower is better, so that's a good move. But don't attempt this if you haven't been a squeaky clean customer. It could backfire if they start looking at your credit history and decide you really should have only a $300 limit.

#4: You can ask to have a late fee removed
Sometimes, bad things happen to good people. You were sure you had your credit card payment ready to go in your online bill payment system. Or you thought your significant other put the payment envelope in the mailbox. But a day after it's due, you find it on the kitchen counter.

Don't panic. If you're otherwise a good customer and pay your bills on time, call and ask for mercy. It's possible they'll remove the fee to reward you for your past good behavior. If they remove it, be sure you follow up and check on your credit report to confirm it's not being reported as a late payment.

#5: You can negotiate an annual fee
There are plenty of credit cards out there that don't have annual fees. But let's say you have your heart set on a credit card that has an $85 annual fee. If you have this card for five years, you will have paid $425 in annual fees.

This doesn't benefit you in any way. It's just money out of your pocket that you could've put in savings or even spent on a vacation. Here are a few strategies to use to try and wiggle out of the annual fee:
  • Ask to have the fee waived. If you have excellent credit, this makes you very attractive to the issuer.
  • Ask to have the fee reduced. Getting the fee cut in half would be a victory.
  • Ask if you can have the fee waived for the first year.
The better your credit history, the better chance you'll have of negotiating the annual fee. But in this case, you have nothing to lose by making the call.

Important Note! The information in this article is believed to be accurate as of the date it was written. Please keep in mind that credit card offers change frequently. Therefore, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information in this article. Please verify all terms and conditions of any credit card prior to applying.

Source :

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When A Woman Talks About Women As The 'Objects'

I just posting a comment in an article "Venus & Mars: Benefits in Traveling Solo" with the editors name's are Katrin Figge & Taza Nugraza Barley | June 02, 2011. I don't know when my comment will be posting or rejected since they have to review about any incoming comments first.

It's a quite an interesting article because it discuss about Traveling. Why i did posting the comment? because of what i don't understand the point from one of the editors (Tasa Nugraza Barley - features reporter at the Jakarta Globe) is talking about. 

The article titling is "....Benefits in Traveling Solo". Well, it means to talk about the 'benefits' from two point of views - benefits for both sides, right? (Men & Momen) because article says "Venus & Mars: Benefits in Traveling Solo". But in this article i couldn't find the benefits in women on Tasa Nugraza Barley's. I think it's better if it's only written by Katrin Figge - deputy features editor at the Jakarta Globe.

*Pease take a look at the article

And here my comments included the articles :

I have few notes for Tasa Nugraza Barley. I'm not sure you were writing about "Benefits in Traveling Solo". The tittle supposed to be "When Traveling with Spoil Women"... Are you talking about traveling indoor or outdoor, plastic surgery women or original one, rich spoil b*tches or adventures, or any specific kind of nationality here? You supposed to shared by writing about "benefits", in fact seems you were kind of judging women of universe here. 

Well, I don't like spoil women types to travel with either. But i'm not gonna spread it via the online news journal that says "GreatStories GlobalNews". So, let's be civil about it even though you have a problem with the borings, pls. Thx.

A woman would bring three kinds of bags on a weekend trip if you let her. (I must say i only need 1 bag to put my underwear, shorts, tank tops & aqua).

Most of the time, women don’t even want to leave the hotel room until the afternoon, because they are afraid their skin will turn dark in the sun — which I think is such a silly attitude. (You should be more specific about what types of women?)

Then when you propose the idea of renting a motorcycle to get the most out of the rest of the day, they will probably say it is too dangerous and uncomfortable. (Can u explain about the women who riding motor bike or women taking ojek to their office daily in Jakarta?).

I don’t deny that there are women out there who have the guts to be backpackers, but frankly, I don’t see such women very often. When it comes to traveling, most women are boring as anything. (Most of women are boring if they aren't backpackers?. i bet you're talking based on experienced as one of the 'boring' woman, eh).

And, of course, it is men who have to pay all the consequences, including paying the overweight baggage fees at the airport. There is nothing more boring than going on vacation with a woman. (Really?? What about the independents? Women are not children, dear :D).
*  *  *

I don't mind to be called over reacting or else here. Of course everybody free to speaks, especially rights as the press. I'm just feel pity of this condition. What's the point to be sentiment with your own gender? I thought when you're standing as a press you supposed to be neutral. 

If we as women don't stand as women our selves, who would then? 
*For any spoil woman out there, u should be thank for me ;). LOL 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


World Top Billionaires
World Billionaire 1 Carlos Slim Helu
World Billionaire 2 William Gates III
World Billionaire 3 Warren Buffett
World Billionaire 4 Bernard Arnault
World Billionaire 5 Lawrence Ellison
World Billionaire 6 Lakshmi Mittal
World Billionaire 7 Amancio Ortega
World Billionaire 8 Eike Batista
World Billionaire 9 Mukesh Ambani
World Billionaire 10 Christy Walton
  1. Atop the heap is Mexico's Carlos Slim Helu, who added $20.5 billion to his fortune, more than any other billionaire. The telecom mogul, who gets 62% of his fortune from America Movil ( AMX - news - people ), is now worth $74 billion and has pulled far ahead of his two closest rivals. 
  2. Bill Gates, No. 2 
  3. Warren Buffett, No. 3 
Both Gates & Buffet added a more modest $3 billion to their piles and are now worth $56 billion and $50 billion, respectively. 

Gates, who now gets 70% of his fortune from investments outside of Microsoft ( MSFT news - people ), has actually been investing in the Mexican stock market and has holdings in Mexican Coke bottler Femsa and Grupo Televisa ( TV - news - people ).


#1 Carlos Slim Helu's AMX Profile

The Company and its subsidiaries provide wireless and fixed communications services in Latin America.
America Movil ADR L
Lago Alberto 366
Colonia Anahuac Colonia Anhuac, MX 11320
Phone: +52 5525814411
Fax: +52 5525814422
Web Site:

Here the AMX Stock Chart in 6 months most recent, included live stock quote (delayed)

Source : ,

DailyMail : Big losers "Parents lost 21 stone to stop their children from being bullied".

By Lucy Laing - Last updated at 11:22 AM on 1st June 2011 

When Kerrie Kew’s husband decided to lose weight she threatened to divorce him - unless she lost weight first. 

They weighed nearly a massive 50 stone between them - and Mrs Kew didn’t want her husband to be slim and fit unless she was too. 

So they both booked in for a gastric bypass operation - six months apart - and have now lost a staggering 21 stone.
Impressive diet: Kerrie Kew threatened to divorce her husband, Paul, if he lost weight before she did
Impressive diet: Kerrie Kew threatened to divorce her husband, Paul, if he lost weight before she did

It has not only saved their marriage, but has stopped their children being bullied at school because their parents were so fat. 

Mrs Kew, 41, said: ‘There was no way I was going to allow Paul to lose weight and for me to remain overweight. I didn’t want him to look great and leave me behind as the fat wife. 

‘So I said to him that he could lose weight as long as I lost it first. If he went ahead and lost the weight then I would divorce him. 
It was a serious threat. If he hadn’t agreed, then I would have left him immediately there and then.

‘I was worried that if he was slim and I wasn’t, then he would leave me for a slimmer woman. I knew that I had to take action before he did.’ 

The couple, who live in Hazelmere, Buckinghamshire, with their two children Harrison, ten, and Hannah, six, were so overweight that they couldn’t ride a bike, go swimming, or play with their children. 

Mr Kew, 41, weighed a massive 26 stone 4, and Mrs Kew weighed in at a hefty 22 stone 4.
Before surgery: Paul and Kerrie on a beach holiday before they had gastric bypass operations
Before surgery: Paul and Kerrie on a beach holiday before they had gastric bypass operations

Mrs Kew, a personal assistant at a building manufacturers, said: ‘We tried to take the children for a bike ride one morning and I was so enormous that I got wedged between the saddle and the handlebars and couldn’t move. 

‘Neither Paul or I could get up the stairs without feeling out of breath and I couldn’t even get dressed in a morning by myself. Paul had to help me. 

‘And Paul couldn’t drive the car easily, as his stomach always got wedged behind the steering wheel. 

‘The children got teased at school because they had such fat parents.  

'It was heartbreaking when we would pick them up after school and they would be crying.’ 

The couple had both trained as chefs and started to pile on the weight after they met. 

Mrs Kew said: ‘We would eat homemade pies and lasagnes and cook new recipes for each other. We just ate massive meals, which piled on the weight.’
Motivator: Kerrie and Paul's children were being bullied at school because they were overweight
Motivator: Kerrie and Paul's children were being bullied at school because they were overweight

It was when their children started getting teased at school that the couple decided that they needed to take action. 

They had tried several diets before but nothing had worked, so they discussed having a gastric bypass operation. 

But there was one condition. Mrs Kew refused to let her husband go first and lose weight before her. If he did, she told she would divorce him straight away. 

She said: ‘I was determined that Paul wasn’t going to lose the weight before me. I wanted to do it first. 

‘There was no way I was going to risk him losing the weight and me not being able to.’ 

The couple underwent their gastric bypass operations. Mrs Kew had hers first, in July 2009, followed by Mr Kew six months later in February last year. 


Breakfast: Bacon, sausages, mushrooms, hash browns, baked beans, black pudding, fried bread
Snack: Packet of crisps, half a packet of chocolate biscuits
Lunch: Whole baguette filled with cheese and ham, family packet of crisps, two litre bottle of coke
Dinner: Pack of sausages or whole joint of lamb, mashed potatoes, peas, gravy, bread and butter
Evening snack: Family-sized box of malteasers
Breakfast: Cereal or scrambled egg on toast
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Crackers with pate or wrap with salad and chicken
Evening meal: Salmon with pasta or curry and rice