Showing posts with label Children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Russian River Jazz & Blues Festival, CA - September 24 & 25, 2011

35th Annual, 2011

Russian River Jazz & Blues Festival

September 24 & 25, 2011
Johnson's Beach, Guerneville, CA

For the last 35 years, music festivals have been a vital part of the Russian River community, and Omega Events is proud to have owned the festivals for the last 5 years. Johnson’s Beach in Guerneville offers a picturesque venue that rests along the beach of the Russian River, only a few miles from over 100 wineries. Music lovers have enjoyed a stellar history of acts, including the Doobie Brothers, David Sanborn, Al Jarreau, Dr. John, The Neville Brothers, Etta James and many more.

For the last seventeen years, Omega Events has been a leader in live entertainment on the West Coast, bringing world-class musicians and their fans together at a variety of music festivals, winery concerts and special events.

Omega Events has donated funds and its services to a variety of non-profit partners, including Festival of Children Foundation, the Surfrider Foundation, the San Onofre Foundation, the Kiwanis Club, the Ocean Institute in Dana Point and the Inland Empire Music & Art Foundation.

Omega has created opportunities for aspiring musicians, including partnering with Albertsons to fund a Music in the Schools program at Washington Prep High School in South Central Los Angeles. Omega has also operated a talent search competition in conjunction with the Doheny Blues Festival, and has also brought many foreign musicians to the West Coast, sometimes in their first visit to the U.S.

Source :

Monday, September 19, 2011

Exotica Kota Sorong, West Papua-Indonesia

Kota Sorong, Papua Barat - Indonesia (sebelumnya dikenal dengan Kota Administratif Sorong dalam Kabupaten Sorong; sesuai instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia 4 Oktober 1999 – UURI No 45). 

Topografi Kota Sorong variatif dengan pegunungan, lereng, perbukitan dan dataran rendah. Bagian timur dikelilingi hutan lindung dan hutan wisata. Letak Kota Sorong sangat strategis karena merupakan pintu keluar masuk Provinsi Papua dan kota persinggahan.

Selat Dampir (Dampir Srait) adalah salah satu wilayah konservasi laut yang sangat kaya di Papua Barat karena daerahnya mengandung Seabiotics (diantaranya; Mercury, Nutrisi & Omega-3) yang sangat berguna untuk kesehatan dan dapat mengurangi rasa sakit penderita penyakit diabetes, kanker, asma serta dapat menstimulasi sel darah putih manusia, memperbaiki sistem kekebalan tubuh, menurunkan tekanan darah, mengurangi resiko stroke, gangguan penyakit radang sendi, debiliating anxiety, dsb.

*Norwegia adalah negara penghasil seabiotics yang terkenal di dunia, produk-produk suplemen nutrisi atau likuid lainnnya dijual di berbagai negara.
resort -
Selain Selat Dampir dan atraksi memberi makan ikan di kepulauan Raja Ampat yang ‘sangat’ terkenal itu, terdapat pula wisata alam lainnya, seperti:

Pulau Kafiau                                   Snorkling
Pantai Kasuari/ white sand beach      Snorkling
Pulau Buaya (pantai pasir kuning)     Fishing
Pulau Matan                                  Fishing
Mata Air Panas Klaijili (makbon)     Geyser/ watering place          

Kota Sorong memiliki potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan karena terdapat perpaduan peninggalan sejarah, keaslian alami dan keunikan Kota Sorong yang memiliki kota dengan pemandangan laut serta perpaduan panorama bentangan alam gugusan kepulauan.


Belantara Papua melaksanakan program ”Pendidikan Alternatif Untuk Anak-Anak di Teluk Mayalibit, Raja Ampat”, tepatnya di Kampung Arawai, Waifoi, dan Warimak. Program ini bekerjasama dengan Dinas Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Provinsi Papua Barat dan UNDP.

Saat ini telah terbangun 3 buah sanggar belajar di 3 kampung di atas, dengan masing-masing dijaga oleh 2 orang fasilitator lokal laki-laki dan perempuan. Dalam proses pembelajaran, digunakan media-media kretaif, dengan metode partisipatoris, dan menggunakan alam lingkungan sekitar sebagai sumber belajar utama. 
Alternative Education in West Papua-Indonesia
Belantara Papua menggunakan seni budaya sebagai alat belajar utama, untuk mendorong anak-anak mengenali jati dirinya, belajar berekspresi, dan menghargai lingkungannya.

Source :,,,
Photo by,

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Children Drug War [1.300 Killed]

A stuffed bear lies over a child's grave at the children section of the San Rafael cemetery in Ciudad Juarez, July 17, 2011. Photo by Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters.

By Miguel Angel Gutierrez (July2011)

MEXICO CITY – Once largely spectators to the deaths of hitmen, police and innocent bystanders, children are increasingly in the firing line of Mexico’s drug war.

Minors initially made up a small proportion of the casualties in the conflict that has claimed 40,000 lives in 4 1/2 years, but the child death toll has risen sharply in recent months, as killing became more indiscriminate.

Well over a quarter of Mexico’s 112 million population is under 18, and economists say the country risks squandering its future if President Felipe Calderon’s government is unable to arrest the creeping slide of young people into the violence.

“This life is a disaster,” said Agustina Carrillo, whose 17-year-old son was shot dead by a young drug dealer in the northern border city of Ciudad Juarez, epicenter of the drug violence and a key smuggling point for drugs into the United States.

Little official data is available on child killings, though government figures showed the number of murders of 16-20 year-olds in Chihuahua state — home to Ciudad Juarez — more than doubled to 386 in 2010 from 136 in 2008.

Grieving parents have used the media to pillory Calderon and his conservative National Action Party (PAN), which was hammered in a key state election this month..

Many joined a peace march that crossed much of the nation in June, urging the president to end the army-led conflict he launched soon after taking office in December 2006.

The United Nations this year urged Mexico’s government to do more to investigate crimes against minors and improve scope for prosecution, notably against the army, which has also been blamed for killings.

Though he remains more popular than his party, Calderon’s approval ratings have hit record lows, and last month he met victims of the drug war to apologize, only to be berated live on television by distraught mothers.

Most victims are between 18 and 35, though the lobby group Network for the Rights of Childhood in Mexico (REDIM) says some 1,300 minors have also been killed since Calderon’s war began.

A REDIM report at the start of 2011 showed the violence killed 994 children until last November, or around 21 every month. In the eight months since, REDIM calculated about 300 more have died — at an average of nearly 38 per month.


What particularly alarms analysts is that while many killings were once accidental, atrocities like dismemberment are now deliberately being carried out against children.

“A distinct trend is observable: at the start of 2010 many deaths were due to crossfire,” said REDIM director Martin Perez. “Since then we can see organized crime has started to kill boys and girls to send messages to other cartels.”

Many children fall victim to violence due to ties to family members mixed up in the narcotics trade, which is estimated to generate around US$40-billion in revenues every year.

The chaos has left thousands of orphans struggling to survive across Mexico.

It has also drawn more and more minors into the killing, with girls as young as 16 now being trained as assassins by gangs.

According to REDIM, roughly 30,000 minors have been recruited by drug gangs, whose promise of easy cash has helped fill a gap in the job market for young people, rising numbers of whom lack proper schooling or regular work.

Javier Oliva, a security expert at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), said the increasing exposure of children to drug dealing and violence showed cartels were becoming more brazen and corrupt in their pursuit of profit.

“This is the level of violence you get for control of the drug market,” Oliva said. “What I see here is a clear demonstration of impunity. They can do these things because there is no punishment,” he added.

The government has pledged to improve Mexico’s failing justice system, and the Supreme Court last week ruled soldiers accused of abuses could face trials in civil courts instead of closed-door military tribunals.

The changes came too late for Cinthia Salazar, who accuses the army of shooting dead her two sons Bryan, 5, and Martin, 9, at a checkpoint in northeastern Mexico last year.

“They took two of my children,” she said. “Who’s going to give them back to me? Nobody. I told them (the soldiers) not to shoot us because there were kids, but they ignored me.”

© Thomson Reuters 2011

#Children #War #Drug #Mexico-U.S #Cartels #U.N #Calderon

Children during the Holocaust

by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C

Children were especially vulnerable in the era of the Holocaust. The Nazis advocated killing children of “unwanted” or “dangerous” groups in accordance with their ideological views, either as part of the “racial struggle” or as a measure of preventative security. The Germans and their collaborators killed children both for these ideological reasons and in retaliation for real or alleged partisan attacks.

The Germans and their collaborators killed as many as 1.5 million children, including over a million Jewish children and tens of thousands of Romani (Gypsy) children, German children with physical and mental disabilities living in institutions, Polish children, and children residing in the occupied Soviet Union. The chances for survival for Jewish and some non-Jewish adolescents (13-18 years old) were greater, as they could be deployed at forced labor.

The fate of Jewish and non-Jewish children can be categorized in the following way: 1) children killed when they arrived in killing centers; 2) children killed immediately after birth or in institutions; 3) children born in ghettos and camps who survived because prisoners hid them; 4) children, usually over age 12, who were used as laborers and as subjects of medical experiments; and 5) those children killed during reprisal operations or so-called anti-partisan operations.

In the ghettos, Jewish children died from starvation and exposure as well as lack of adequate clothing and shelter. The German authorities were indifferent to this mass death because they considered most of the younger ghetto children to be unproductive and hence “useless eaters.” Because children were generally too young to be deployed at forced labor, German authorities generally selected them, along with the elderly, ill, and disabled, for the first deportations to killing centers, or as the first victims led to mass graves to be shot.

Upon arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau and other killing centers, the camp authorities sent the majority of children directly to the gas chambers. SS and police forces in German-occupied Poland and the occupied Soviet Union shot thousands of children at the edge of mass graves. Sometimes the selection of children to fill the first transports to the killing centers or to provide the first victims of shooting operations resulted from the agonizing and controversial decisions of Jewish council (Judenrat) chairmen. The decision by the Judenrat in Lodz in September 1942 to deport children to the Chelmno killing center was an example of the tragic choices made by adults when faced with German demands. Janusz Korczak, director of an orphanage in the Warsaw ghetto, however, refused to abandon the children under his care when they were selected for deportation. He accompanied them on the transport to the Treblinka killing center and into the gas chambers, sharing their fate.

Non-Jewish children from certain targeted groups were not spared. Examples include Romani (Gypsy) children killed in Auschwitz concentration camp; 5,000 to 7,000 children killed as victims of the “euthanasia” program; children murdered in reprisals, including most of the children of Lidice; and children in villages in the occupied Soviet Union who were killed with their parents.

The German authorities also incarcerated a number of children in concentration camps and transit camps. SS physicians and medical researchers used a number of children, including twins, in concentration camps for medical experiments that often resulted in the deaths of the children. Concentration camp authorities deployed adolescents, particularly Jewish adolescents, at forced labor in the concentration camps, where many died because of conditions. The German authorities held other children under appalling conditions in transit camps, such as the case of Anne Frank and her sister in Bergen-Belsen, and non-Jewish orphaned children whose parents the German military and police units had killed in so-called anti-partisan operations. Some of these orphans were held temporarily in the Lublin/Majdanek concentration camp and other detention camps.

In their "search to retrieve 'Aryan blood,'" SS race experts ordered hundreds of children in occupied Poland and the occupied Soviet Union to be kidnapped and transferred to the Reich to be adopted by racially suitable German families. Although the basis for these decisions was "race-scientific," often blond hair, blue eyes, or fair skin was sufficient to merit the "opportunity" to be "Germanized." On the other hand, female Poles and Soviet civilians who had been deported to Germany for forced labor and who had had sexual relations with a German man -- often under duress -- resulting in pregnancy were forced to have abortions or to bear their children under conditions that would ensure the infant's death, if the "race experts" determined that the child would have insufficient German blood.

In spite of their acute vulnerability, many children discovered ways to survive. Children smuggled food and medicines into the ghettos, after smuggling personal possessions to trade for them out of the ghettos. Children in youth movements later participated in underground resistance activities. Many children escaped with parents or other relatives -- and sometimes on their own -- to family camps run by Jewish partisans.

Between 1938 and 1940, the Kindertransport (Children's Transport) was the informal name of a rescue effort which brought thousands of refugee Jewish children (without their parents) to safety in Great Britain from Nazi Germany and German-occupied territories. Some non-Jews hid Jewish children and sometimes, as in the case of Anne Frank, hid other family members as well. In France, almost the entire Protestant population of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, as well as many Catholic priests, nuns, and lay Catholics, hid Jewish children in the town from 1942 to 1944. In Italy and Belgium, many children survived in hiding.

After the surrender of Nazi Germany, ending World War II, refugees and displaced persons searched throughout Europe for missing children. Thousands of orphaned children were in displaced persons camps. Many surviving Jewish children fled eastern Europe as part of the mass exodus (Brihah) to the western zones of occupied Germany, en route to the Yishuv (the Jewish settlement in Palestine). Through Youth Aliyah (Youth Immigration), thousands migrated to the Yishuv, and then to the state of Israel after its establishment in 1948.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Ferret = animal (Animal = wild creature)

If we talking about animals, of course it's all about wild - about instinct. Owners of any kind of pets should know the risks before decide to take care animal as pet. 

Still couldn't believe for what happened with the children whose got bitten by Ferret, as parents we supposed to be wise and never leave our kids alone with animals ever (even with fishes in the aquarium).  

It is ALWAYS be our fault  + our stupidity when  it comes to animals because the animals are belong into the wilderness - not inside the house, that's the fact. -N.G-

First Posted: 06/16/11 02:53 PM ET Updated: 06/16/11 02:53 PM ET 
The parents of a 4-month-old Missouri boy who lost seven fingers during a pet ferret attack have been charged with first-degree child endangerment for the January incident.

Ryan Waldo, 33, and his wife, Carrie Waldo, 25, told investigators in Grain Valley that they awoke hearing the screams of their child, who was left with just his thumbs and a pinky following the attack.

Ryan claimed he picked up the pet ferret -- which was a Christmas present to his older children -- and hurled it against the dishwasher, killing it. The couple also said the ferret had never bitten anyone before.

But prosecutors claim they have evidence that the ferret had already bitten the infant twice, CBS3 reports.
Before the incident, the couple's landlord had reportedly helped them get in touch with a ferret rescue group due to animal's tendency to bite. 

However the family decided to keep the ferret in the home, according to a text message sent from the boy's mother to the ferret rescue group that was obtained by the station.

"Kids voting no right now but it probably won't be long before he nips baby again and they get over it," Carrie allegedly wrote. "Not sure if we wanna get rid of him yet. The kids r cryin bout it so we'll let u know."

Based on cellphone records, investigators believe the parents might have left the kids home alone while the attack occurred.

The couple surrendered on the felony charge on Wednesday, The Kansas City Star reports. They were released on bond, but ordered to stay away from their children, who are now in a grandparent's custody.

FACTS ABOUT FERRET (info taken from many sources)

Bob Church said in : What evidence is there that ferrets are carnivores? I have read authoritative accounts indicating ferrets should be fed "sops" (milk and bread) or cooked cereals, and they survived. But it is not an optimum diet, nor does it promise the healthiest and best possible life for the animal. Additionally, starving animals will consume just about anything to survive. Under these circumstances, many people would claim the ferret was an omnivore, but that would be incorrect. Ferrets are strict carnivores; that is, they are biologically adapted to eat [only] meat. 

Ferret's skull is long and flat for several reasons. First, it makes for a powerful biting force, proportionately one of the strongest in mammals, which is very useful in killing animals near your size having teeth that can bite through a pencil (hey, imagine a giant beaver snapping at your nose, with incisors as thick as your middle finger).

Arm bones: The ferret clavicle is a tiny little ossification in the muscle where the clavicle should be, and is not always found, but the scapula, humerus, radis, and ulna are about the same as ours. Their elbow has an extension on the end of it to make their arms very strong for digging. The wrist bones (carpals), the hand bones (metacarpals), and the finger bones (phalanges) are almost the same, except for the 3rd phalanx which has a claw-like process on the end to support the nail. As far as I know, all members of the mustelid family have all five digits front and back. Ferrets have more carpal-metacarpal sesamoids than we usually do, which are tiny bones within the tendons where they pass over joints. Most of us have 1 or 2 of them at our thumbs, but ferrets generally have 2 for every digit. Oh, the thumb has 2 phalanges and the fingers have 3 for both humans and ferrets. The thumb in the ferret is like a finger. Just imagine what a ferret could do with a human thumb.

From : Why are ferrets illegal in California?

In 1933, importation and possession of domestic ferrets, as well as wild animals, was restricted in California. The California Department of Fish and Game, on March 25th 1994, expressed its views regarding the ferrets as:
1. Ferrets may bite or scratch children, as well as adults.
2. Ferrets also carry rabies, and there is no proper vaccine against the rabies which attacks it.
3. Ferrets can also threaten native wildlife. 
Ferrets are considered to be illegal as they may breed in the wild, and pose a threat to agriculture and native species. Ferrets are also believed to be roaming and killing more chicken than that are necessary for its consumption. It is also believed that ferrets are a threat to birds, amphibians and reptiles. Wildlife that are considered to be at risk of extinction due to ferrets are burrowing owls, California ground squirrels and mountain beavers.

Kenneth W. Umbach, Ph.D. for  May 30, 1997 : Ferrets are permitted as pets in all states of the continental U.S. except California, and some observers estimate that there are from 100,000 to 500,000 domestic ferrets kept as pets in California despite the prohibition. A Michigan official noted that Michigan went from zero ferrets (officially, as they were prohibited) to 200,000 overnight when they were legalized a few years ago, and “they did not all just come in over the state line that day.”

Rabies vaccination should be required for domestic ferrets, just as it is for domestic cats and dogs. Ferrets sold at or after 12 weeks of age should be vaccinated before sale. For those sold at the typical 6 to 7 weeks, it is vital that owners be advised of the requirement to have the animals vaccinated at 12 weeks.


1998 February 22 : Police say ferret bit baby at least 50 times; parents charged  
By AP (Cleveland) via Globe News. 
A 5-week-old girl was in stable condition after being bitten at least 50 times by a pet ferret, and police charged her parents with felony child endangering. 

Samantha M. Grabski was bitten on the face and chest while she lay between her parents, who had fallen asleep after drinking beer late Wednesday, police said. She required about 100 stitches and was in stable condition Sunday at MetroHealth Medical Center.Her mother, Olga Torres, told officers she did not know the baby had been attacked until she woke up Thursday morning. 

Torres, 21, and John B. Grabski, 22, were in custody Sunday pending a bail hearing scheduled for Monday.
Police Sgt. Mark Hastings said prosecutors filed felony charges against Grabski and Torres because the injuries were related to their use of alcohol. 

Four other children, all under age 7, were placed with relatives, Hastings said. The ferret was taken to the city kennel for rabies tests.© Copyright 1998 Globe Newspaper Company

2000 June 28 : Pet ferrets inflicted 10-day-old girl more than 100 scratches  
By Meg Jones Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 
A 10-day-old girl lying in her crib was attacked by two pet ferrets that may have been attracted by milk on the child's breath, Eau Claire police said Wednesday.
The ferrets inflicted more than 100 scratches, gashes and bite marks on the baby's face before the family dog jumped in to save the infant, who is expected to recover completely, police said. Please read for more in

Judy Vowell, shelter director for Ferret Fanciers of Greater Milwaukee said : "It's not an attack animal. It reacts out of instinct but not a destructive instinct," Vowell said. "It was probably after the milk and unknown scents. This was probably a new scent for the ferret, as well - a new baby in the house."

Just remind : No matter how cute and how hard you train your animal, they still and always stayed as animals ;-)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

PBS KIDS "Educational Games, Video & Activities For Kids"

#Kids #InteractiveGames #Education #NonCommercialSite #PreSchool

Letting children have fun by exploring the world with virtual adventure is one of PBS KIDS successful variety education - through games & video. PBS KIDS is a non-commercial websites and interactive games for kids for over 10 years. PBS KIDS also presenting the development programs show, such as Mornings on PBS KIDS and Build Literacy Skills with Super Why.  

Focusing in how to build children confidence through interactive games while supported by parents, teachers and community - no doubt PBS KIDS's patterns had proven that children abilities in reading, spelling and drawing skills are tremendously developing. 

So let's have fun! -N.G-

Please check out this link & find the attractiveness :

Friday, June 3, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

DailyMail : Big losers "Parents lost 21 stone to stop their children from being bullied".

By Lucy Laing - Last updated at 11:22 AM on 1st June 2011 

When Kerrie Kew’s husband decided to lose weight she threatened to divorce him - unless she lost weight first. 

They weighed nearly a massive 50 stone between them - and Mrs Kew didn’t want her husband to be slim and fit unless she was too. 

So they both booked in for a gastric bypass operation - six months apart - and have now lost a staggering 21 stone.
Impressive diet: Kerrie Kew threatened to divorce her husband, Paul, if he lost weight before she did
Impressive diet: Kerrie Kew threatened to divorce her husband, Paul, if he lost weight before she did

It has not only saved their marriage, but has stopped their children being bullied at school because their parents were so fat. 

Mrs Kew, 41, said: ‘There was no way I was going to allow Paul to lose weight and for me to remain overweight. I didn’t want him to look great and leave me behind as the fat wife. 

‘So I said to him that he could lose weight as long as I lost it first. If he went ahead and lost the weight then I would divorce him. 
It was a serious threat. If he hadn’t agreed, then I would have left him immediately there and then.

‘I was worried that if he was slim and I wasn’t, then he would leave me for a slimmer woman. I knew that I had to take action before he did.’ 

The couple, who live in Hazelmere, Buckinghamshire, with their two children Harrison, ten, and Hannah, six, were so overweight that they couldn’t ride a bike, go swimming, or play with their children. 

Mr Kew, 41, weighed a massive 26 stone 4, and Mrs Kew weighed in at a hefty 22 stone 4.
Before surgery: Paul and Kerrie on a beach holiday before they had gastric bypass operations
Before surgery: Paul and Kerrie on a beach holiday before they had gastric bypass operations

Mrs Kew, a personal assistant at a building manufacturers, said: ‘We tried to take the children for a bike ride one morning and I was so enormous that I got wedged between the saddle and the handlebars and couldn’t move. 

‘Neither Paul or I could get up the stairs without feeling out of breath and I couldn’t even get dressed in a morning by myself. Paul had to help me. 

‘And Paul couldn’t drive the car easily, as his stomach always got wedged behind the steering wheel. 

‘The children got teased at school because they had such fat parents.  

'It was heartbreaking when we would pick them up after school and they would be crying.’ 

The couple had both trained as chefs and started to pile on the weight after they met. 

Mrs Kew said: ‘We would eat homemade pies and lasagnes and cook new recipes for each other. We just ate massive meals, which piled on the weight.’
Motivator: Kerrie and Paul's children were being bullied at school because they were overweight
Motivator: Kerrie and Paul's children were being bullied at school because they were overweight

It was when their children started getting teased at school that the couple decided that they needed to take action. 

They had tried several diets before but nothing had worked, so they discussed having a gastric bypass operation. 

But there was one condition. Mrs Kew refused to let her husband go first and lose weight before her. If he did, she told she would divorce him straight away. 

She said: ‘I was determined that Paul wasn’t going to lose the weight before me. I wanted to do it first. 

‘There was no way I was going to risk him losing the weight and me not being able to.’ 

The couple underwent their gastric bypass operations. Mrs Kew had hers first, in July 2009, followed by Mr Kew six months later in February last year. 


Breakfast: Bacon, sausages, mushrooms, hash browns, baked beans, black pudding, fried bread
Snack: Packet of crisps, half a packet of chocolate biscuits
Lunch: Whole baguette filled with cheese and ham, family packet of crisps, two litre bottle of coke
Dinner: Pack of sausages or whole joint of lamb, mashed potatoes, peas, gravy, bread and butter
Evening snack: Family-sized box of malteasers
Breakfast: Cereal or scrambled egg on toast
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Crackers with pate or wrap with salad and chicken
Evening meal: Salmon with pasta or curry and rice

Friday, May 27, 2011

☞ Serial Killer Named EHEC

Actually I really don't know much about any bacterias, especially EHEC, known as well  Escherichia coli (E. coli). As far as I know it's bacterias that binds to receptors on human kidney, brain and gut cells and kills them.  The infections cause critical conditions and apparently killed people in Germany recently .

E. coli normally colonizes an infant's gastrointestinal tract within 40 hours of birth, arriving with food or water or with the individuals handling the child. They usually cause peritonitis that can be fatal without prompt treatment. However, E. coli are extremely sensitive to such antibiotics as streptomycin or gentamicin. This could change since, as noted below, E. coli quickly acquires drug resistance. 

Please check this Wikipedia link to find out more:


::On March 7, 1999 - A person has been taken to hospital suffering from E.coli food poisoning in Cumbria, bringing to 20 the total of confirmed cases. Included three children, one an 18-month-old girl, who's received treatment for kidney problems.
::On April 24, 2007 - Three women - Betty Howard, 83, of Richland, Wash.; June Dunning, 86, of Hagerstown, Md.; and Ruby Trautz, 81, of Bellevue, Neb. - were hospitalized and later died of complications that their lawyer said can be traced back to the E. coli outbreak that sickened more than 200 people nationwide last August and September.

Professor Hugh Pennington, who led inquires into two previous E.coli outbreaks, said: 'I would be very cautious about taking Chidren & Elderlyl to somewhere where there are cattle and sheep and goats. These are high-risk animals and children are the risky victims because they are going to have the hardest time if infected.' 

*Food poisoning bacteria cause illness in different ways. For example:
  • They grow in food and produce a toxin. When swallowed this irritates the stomach lining, causing pain, nausea and sickness. The toxins may also enter the intestines and cause diarrhoea. Toxins can survive cooking, even though the bacteria that produced them are killed.
  • They are eaten with food and burrow into the intestine wall where they multiply and may produce toxins. Painful inflammation and diarrhoea follow. More severe symptoms such as kidney and liver damage may occur if the bacteria and toxins enter the blood stream.
  • They enter the body in food and do not cause symptoms in the gut but in other parts of the body.

  1. The first step in preventing food poisoning is to assume that all foods may cause food-borne illness. Follow these steps to prevent food poisoning:
  2. Wash hands, food preparation surfaces and utensils thoroughly before and after handling raw foods to prevent re-contamination of cooked foods.
  3. Keep refrigerated foods below 40 degrees F.
  4. Serve hot foods immediately or keep them heated above 140 degrees F.
  5. Divide large volumes of food into small portions for rapid cooling in the refrigerator. Hot, bulky foods in the refrigerator can raise the temperature of foods already cooled.
  6. Remember the danger zone is between 40 degrees F and 140 degrees F.
  7. Follow approved home-canning procedures. These can be obtained from the Extension Service or from USDA bulletins.
  8. Heat canned foods thoroughly before tasting.
  9. When in doubt, throw it out
Infants, older persons, women who are pregnant and anyone with a compromised immune system are especially susceptible to food-borne illness. These people should never consume raw fish, raw seafood, or raw meat type products. You are the key to preventing food-borne illness. By observing the simple rules of good handling, food poisoning can be eliminated.

If you believe that you or your Family contracted E. coli after eating a contaminated food product, you might be entitled to compensation. Contact the law offices discuss your case and determine if filing a personal injury lawsuit might be beneficial. In addition to negotiating and litigating E. coli food poisoning cases.

#Children #Family #Health #EHEC #E. coli

Sources: WikipediaBBC News , Los Angeles Times , Daily Mail UK OnlineEnglish News Xinhua Net , , , School Science United